Prologis Accessibility Statement

Prologis is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities can access our products and services, including those offered through We strive to adhere to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 AA, which were developed by the World Wide Web Consortium to ensure digital content is accessible to everyone. 

We work continuously to enhance our website for the benefit of our customers and work with consultants to ensure it offers a high level of accessibility. If you’re unable to access any of the content or functionality on one of our sites* or have questions or feedback, please call +1-415-733-9952.

Here are some of the ways we make our website accessible:

  • We provide alternative text detail for all audio- and video-only media, images, graphics and other non-text content.
  • Our website can be accessed using a keyboard.
  • Webpages are built consistently for seamless user experience and functionality—no matter what page you visit.
  • We use accessible headings, lists, paragraphs and other features for navigation with assistive technology.
  • When necessary, many links have title attributes to provide additional detail.
  • All fields have labels, and forms follow a logical tab sequence.
  • Tables are structured so each data point is associated with the appropriate column heading to provide clarity when using assistive technology.

Tips to best experience our website:

  • Software: We recommend using the most current version of assistive technology along with one of the browsers listed below.
  • Browsers: We recommend using a current version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Microsoft Edge.  
  • Screen reader applications: Please use JAWS paired with Chrome for the best user experience.

Check out these features and settings available in JAWS to enhance your experience:

Expand abbreviations: All abbreviations have title attributes to increase understanding. Select the setting to expand abbreviations, and JAWS will read the title text instead of the on-screen text.

Punctuation: Select the level of punctuation you’d like to hear while reading. Some people find a lower level of punctuation improves casual reading.

Say all: Define where and how JAWS pauses while reading via the “Say All” setting.

Speak dollars: Check “Speak Dollars” in settings if you’d like JAWS to read numbers preceded by a dollar sign in a dollar-and-cents format. For example, $9.60 would read as “nine dollars and sixty cents.” We highly recommend using this function because much of our content—from yields to prices to assets—uses this format.

*While we encourage our partners and vendors to comply with industry-wide accessibility standards, our website links to external sites hosted by other parties. We cannot enforce accessibility beyond our website.


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